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San Antonio Cosmetic SurgeryAre CoolSculpting Results Permanent? – CoolSculpting Q&A

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Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgeons logo American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery logo Texas Medical Association logo Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Bexar County Medical Society logo

Men and women tend to carry their body weight in different ways, but with CoolSculpting, a revolutionary, new and non-invasive way to eliminate body fat, amazing results are available for both sexes. CoolSculpting naturally and effortlessly removes unwanted fat pockets that seem impossible for you to reduce. The entire procedure is performed right in the doctor’s office with no downtime or hospital stay. CoolSculpting uses the latest technology to freeze fat cells under the skin with a high-quality applicator as you relax. The entire treatment takes about 30-45 minutes depending on the areas you’d like to sculpt.

What Can I Expect in an Office Visit?

Dr. Delio Ortegon is a talented and compassionate board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon for San Antonio and the surrounding areas. He has a heart for helping people become confident with their bodies so they, in turn, have more confidence with the rest of their lives. He is also President of the San Antonio Cosmetic Surgery and Chief of the Plastic Surgery Division at the Christus Santa Rosa Medical Westover Hills Hospital, so he has extensive experience and talent in this field. Dr. Ortegon is a San Antonio plastic surgeon who continually researches and updates his practice for his clients.

CoolSculpting was released in 2017 for public use and it has helped thousands already. The CoolSculpting machine is extremely high-tech and is designed to freeze fat cells directly under it with no invasion or abrasion to the skin. Before your treatment, your Master trained CoolSculptng specialist will discuss the areas that you are concerned with, and before the application, he/she will outline the fat pockets you have decided to treat.

For both men and women, there are nine common areas FDA-approved for treatment:

  1. Stubborn belly fat
  2. “Love handles”
  3. Upper thighs
  4. Lower back
  5. Back or bra area
  6. Upper arms
  7. Under chin; a double chin
  8. Under the buttocks or the “banana roll”
  9. Flanks or along the side of the body

Are the Results Permanent?

This amazing new state-of-the-art technology can treat up to two areas in the same appointment with no pre- or post-preparation required. Following the procedure, most people are free to return to work or go about their regular activities while the frozen cells begin to be washed away naturally by the body. The CoolSculpting tool does all the work, though drinking extra water is recommended during the elimination process, and within 10 days, you may begin to see results of the sculpting!

Typically, the total elimination of the cells that were frozen, killed, and eliminated from the body takes approximately 90 days, but when they’re gone, they’re gone for good! At this time, you may choose to do another treatment, in another area or to enhance the curves you received from the first treatment. However, it is suggested that you wait until the process is completed. We also recommended that you continue a healthy diet to keep your entire body healthy and functioning at an optimal level.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about CoolSculpting, schedule a consultation with San Antonio Cosmetic Surgery.

Request your appointment online or call 210.664.6762

Contact us today to schedule your consultation with the renowned San Antonio plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Delio Ortegon. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

4910 Golden Quail Suite 140, San Antonio, TX 78240

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