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San Antonio Cosmetic SurgeryGynecomastia And Your Self-Confidence

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Fellow American College of Surgeons logo American Society of Plastic Surgeons logo American Board of Plastic Surgeons logo American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery logo Texas Medical Association logo Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons logo Bexar County Medical Society logo

It's so great to feel confident, in any situation, anywhere, with anyone. If you are struggling with over-developed breasts, feeling self-confident may be but a wish and a dream, and it's true – the way you feel about yourself can affect your relationships.

Gynecomastia (abnormal breast enlargement) or as it is sometimes called, “man boobs,” may short-circuit your physical intimacy, and some physical activities may be emotionally debilitating for you. You may be avoiding intimacy and out-door activities out of self-consciousness or embarrassment. Unfortunately, even rigorous exercise and dieting may not be effective in reducing the size of your breasts.

What is gynecomastia?

  • Gynecomastia is a condition of over-developed or enlarged breasts in men that can occur at any age. It is influenced by a variety of causes including puberty, diet, hormones, obesity, aging and the use of steroids or certain medications.
  • Gynecomastia is characterized by excess localized fat and glandular tissue that can be present in one or both breasts. The symptoms of gynecomastia are swelling of the breast tissue and tenderness. Generally, gynecomastia isn't a serious problem, but it can be tough to cope with.

What are the surgical treatment options?

Plastic surgery to correct gynecomastia is a specialized surgery that reduces breast size and flattens and enhances the contours of the chest. The procedure is technically called “reduction mammaplasty.” Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ortegon, performs male breast reduction surgery to correct gynecomastia, providing a flatter, more masculine chest for their patients. During your initial consultation, the underlying causes of your gynecomastia will be determined. In some cases, the issue may be resolved without surgery.

Who would be a good candidate for the procedure?

  • Men whose breast development has stabilized
  • Men who are embarrassed by the size of their breasts
  • Men whose condition cannot be remedied with alternative medical treatments
  • Non-smokers
  • Men who are physically healthy and have realistic expectations

Summer is almost here. There is no reason to hide behind your shirt. Please click here to view before and after images of male breast reduction surgery with Dr. Ortegon or call for a consultation appointment at San Antonio Cosmetic Surgery, today: (210) 614-4320.


Contact us today to schedule your consultation with the renowned San Antonio plastic surgeon and breast & body specialist Dr. Delio Ortegon. Take your first steps to a more beautiful you.

4910 Golden Quail Suite 140, San Antonio, TX 78240

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